Exploring the demand for prostitution: What male buyers say about their motives, practices, and perceptions

The following study is a first attempt to explore and better understand the demand side in Lebanon where little has been written on this critical component of the prostitution industry. Studies on male buyers of sexual acts are not only rare, but when they exist, they often deal with the health side of the subject (e.g., the spreading of HIV/AIDS, use of condom, use of drugs). This study collects and compiles insightful data and information on male buyers in Lebanon, their motivations and rationalizations for buying sexual acts, their behavior and practices, and their gendered interactions with and perceptions about women in prostitution. The study concludes by proposing policy recommendations to tackle the demand side, and more holistically, the resulting prostitution and trafficking of victims
أضيفت بواسطة
CAWTAR | 2017-12-22 12:32:58
نوع الوثيقة
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كلمات المفاتيح :
Gender-based violence// Sexual Violence// Early marriage//Forced marriage// Pleasure marriage// Sexual Exploitation of women// Domestic violence// Violence against women // trafficking in women and sexual exploitation// Forced prostitution // Murder //clandestine prostitution // // Physical harm Sexual abuse // Psychological violence//Economic violence//Sexual exploitation // Victims of violence// women's rights//Human rights // Economic violence // Rape//