Inter agency emergency standard for prevention of and response to GBV Section 1: Procedures

The Standing Operating Procedures detail the minimum procedures for prevention and response to GBV and for CP. They also present more comprehensive prevention and response interventions. They indicate which organizations and/or institutions are responsible for actions in the four main response sectors - health, psychosocial support, law/ justice and security. They are designed to be used together with existing resources related to prevention and response to GBV and CP.
أضيفت بواسطة
CAWTAR | 2017-12-22 11:41:41
نوع الوثيقة
الأدلة التوجيهية
كلمات المفاتيح :
Violence against women// Gender-based violence//Early marriage//Domestic violence//Verbal violence//Psychological violence//Physical violence //Economic violence//Sexual Violence// Political violence// Female genital mutilation // Sexual exploitation// Forced marriage// Early marriage//Sexual Harassment//Children’s rights//Human rights//Family law//Women rights// Reproductive health// Empowerment// Non-governmental organization// Sexual abuse// Victims of violence// Rape//Defilement// Discrimination// Torture// Human trafficking//Indicator//Education //killing of women//Transformative leadership/