Enhancing equality between men and women in the euromed region regional expert-group meeting on gender-based violence research: concepts, data, methodology and tools

This document represent a Workshop Report on the Regional Expert-Group Meeting on Gender-based violence research: Concepts, data, methodology and tools. The GBV Expert Group Meeting was organized to contribute to the achievement of Purpose 2 of the program to “Enhance Equality between Men and Women in the Euromed region (EGEP)”, namely to improve understanding of and knowledge about the various forms of violence against women (VAW). The Expert Group Meeting (EGM) addressed the question of methodologies and tools for research and data collection on GBV by bringing together experts, practitioners, policy-makers, users and producers of data, NGO’s active in this field and media professionals in order to build a consensus around a methodological approach for GBV surveys in the region.
أضيفت بواسطة
CAWTAR | 2017-12-22 11:41:37
نوع الوثيقة
ورشات عمل
برنامج تعزيز المساواة بين الرجل و المرأة في المنطقة الأورومتوسطية
كلمات المفاتيح :
Gender-based violence // CEDAW// Female Genital Mutilation//Indicator// Non-Governmental Organisation// United Nations Organisation// Violence against women// Psychological violence// Physical violence// Sexual violence//Verbal violence// Sexual harassment//Gender equality// Discrimination// Human Rights// Women Rights// Domestic violence//Empowerment// Victims of violence//early marriage/