Minimum Standards for Prevention and Response to Gender Based Violence in Emergencies

UNFPA’s “Minimum Standards for Prevention and Response to GBV in Emergencies (GBViE)” promote the safety and well being of women and in emergencies and provide practical guidance on how to mitigate and prevent gender-based violence in emergencies and facilitate access to multi-sector services for survivors.
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CAWTAR | 2017-12-22 09:20:10
نوع الوثيقة
الأدلة التوجيهية
صندوق الأمم المتحدة للسكان
كلمات المفاتيح :
Gender based Violence // Human rights //Gender equality// Mental health// Non-governmental organization// Sexual exploitation and abuse// Sexual and reproductive health// sexually transmitted infections// Sexual Violence // Monitoring & Evaluation// Ensuring the participation of women and girls// Sexual Violence in Conflict// Domestic violence// intimate partner violence// Further violence// Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against women // Equity// Empowerment// Education//Safe Space// Survival// harassment// Physical harm//Psychological harm