Im here Adolescent Girls in emergencies - Approach and tools for improved response

I’m Here Adolescent Girls in Emergencies is a resource for emergency response staff. It outlines an operational approach and recommendations that can help humani¬tarian sectors be more accountable to adolescent girls from the start of an emergency. Key rationale, findings and recommendations are based on a literature scan, expert interviews, and a field assessment and pilot testing of mobile-based tools in South Sudan. The report structure allows readers to read the full narrative or to access specific sub-sections. Each section begins with a summary of key findings and messages, followed by supporting information. Annexes contain supplemen¬tary material and tools.
أضيفت بواسطة
CAWTAR | 2017-12-22 09:11:13
نوع الوثيقة
مفوضية اللاجئين النسائية
كلمات المفاتيح :
Exploitation//Violence//Gender-based violence// Violence against women and girls// Indicator//Female genital mutilation//Intimate partner violence// Sexual Exploitation and Abuse// Harmful traditional practices// Female genital mutilation// Honor killings //Widow inheritance //Sexually Transmitted Infections// Physical violence//Exploitation// Forced prostitution//Protection//Sexual violence// Psychological violence// Harassment sexual// Early/Child marriage // Education// Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women// Human Rights// Equal right// Rights of Women and Girls// Child Protection from violence //Non-governmental Organization// /Reproductive and sexual health// Empowerment//Indicator // Sexual violence in armed conflicts // Domestic violence// Forced labor