Women in an Insecure World Violence Against Women Facts Figures and Analysis

Women in an Insecure World takes stock of the scope and magnitude of violence experienced by women in daily life, during armed conflict and in post-conflict situations. It aims to increase awareness among governments, donors, policy makers, academics, experts and civil society about the pervasive forms of violence against women. It also highlights the active role of women in peacemaking and postconflict reconstruction. For what makes women’s role in combating violence indispensable is not the omnipresence and magnitude of their victimisation, but the fact that women demonstrate the capacity to overcome the trauma of violent acts, to survive and help in the survival of others, and to contribute actively to defending and building peace. The book provides analytical data and statistics, legal documents and policy recommendations, complemented by feature stories and illustrations. Over 60 different authors, representing the major international organisations, governments, NGOs and Think Tanks dealing with gender issues, have contributed to this book.
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CAWTAR | 2017-12-22 11:38:47
نوع الوثيقة
كلمات المفاتيح :
Violence against women//Gender-based violence//Violence against women in armed conflict Violence against women in post-conflict// Domestic violence// economic costs of violence//Elimination of Violence against Women// honour crimes// Psychological violence// Sexual Violence// Intimate-partner violence //Partner homicide//sexual harassment//Legal discrimination//violation of human rights//Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women// Physical violence// Family violence// Victims of violence// empowerment of women// Physical and psychological health// Survivors of sexual violence//Human rights// Civil society // Gender Mainstreaming // Education of girls and women// Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting// Discriminatory legislation//Political violence// Gender equality//Indicator