What works to prevent partner violence-An Evidence Overview

This study was supported by the Department for International Development, United Kingdom (DFID). The report is grounded in a conceptual understanding of violence known as the ecological model of abuse. The report includes seven chapters. Each of the six substantive chapters reviews the theoretical and empirical evidence linking the particular factor to partner violence and summarizes what is known about the effectiveness of interventions at either the individual or the population level. The 7 Chapter assesses the evidence base itself. How adequate are current studies for making judgments about future investments? What limitations prevent us from being able to draw firm conclusions about effectiveness? What evaluation gaps should be prioritized in the next generation of research? The report concludes with a series of reflections on the way forward.
أضيفت بواسطة
CAWTAR | 2017-12-22 11:38:45
نوع الوثيقة
Department for International Development, United Kingdom (DFID)
كلمات المفاتيح :
Violence against women//Gender-based violence//Violence against women in armed conflict// Partner violence//Physical punishment of children// Domestic violence//Parental violence// Youth violence and delinquency// Harmful traditional practices//Female genital/ cutting//Violation//women’s economic empowerment and risk of violence//CEDAW// honour crimes// Psychological violence// Sexual Violence// Intimate-partner violence // Homicide//Sexual harassment//Legal// Discrimination and equity//violation// Physical violence// Family violence// Victims of partner violence// empowerment strategies// Partner violence and HIV-risk behavior//Women’s health// //Human rights// Civil society // Law reform// Sexual violence education// Women’s economic empowerment// violence legislation//Political violence// Gender equality//Indicator//Honour killings// Family violence// Women’s education// Reproductive health