Clinical Care for Sexual Assault Survivors-A Multimedia Training Tool

This Guide describes a mixed-methods study of effect on healthcare providers’ attitudes, knowledge, confidence, and practice in humanitarian settings. This facilitator’s guide is intended for use with the accompanying interactive DVD to provide a complete training program on the clinical care for sexual assault survivors as outlined in IRC’s Clinical Care for Sexual Assault Survivors: a prototype protocol for IRC health Programs. Chapter 1 provides general information for users. Chapter 2 presents information on preparing for and presenting the training including detailed descriptions of the exercises, presentation materials and equipment, logistical needs, and suggestions for how to introduce the participants to the training and each other. Chapter 3 contains content notes which take the facilitator through the training, elaborating on issues or questions that may arise and suggesting content for discussion. Facilitators should use these notes to follow along with the DVD. They provide cues for exercises, discussions, breaks, etc. Chapter 4 presents tools for assessing the participants learning and their experience of the training. The pre/post test and training evaluation are included here. Handouts and a glossary can be found at the end of this guide.
أضيفت بواسطة
CAWTAR | 2017-12-22 11:38:36
نوع الوثيقة
حقائب تدريبية
International Rescue Committee
كلمات المفاتيح :
Violence against women//Domestic violence//Gender-based violence// Sexual Violence survivors// Sexual Violence// Physical violence// Forced prostitution or marriage//Sexual abuse and exploitation//Mental health// Survivors of violence// Women and Health// Sexual Exploitation and Abuse// Human rights// Women rights//Reproductive health//