
تونس , 29 September 2023

الاتفاقيات والمعاهدات
نتائج البحث (4934)

Gender, trade and public procurement policy : Kenya, India, Australia, Jamaica

Gender, trade and public procurement policy : Kenya, India, Australia, Jamaica

Gender, Trade and the WTO : Speaking Notes for the WTO Public Symposium Challenges ahead on the road to Cancún, Geneva, June 16, 2003

Gender, Trade and the WTO : Speaking Notes for the WTO Public Symposium Challenges ahead on the road to Cancún, Geneva, June 16, 2003

Global Value Chains, Economic Upgrading, and Gender : Case Studies of the Horticulture, Tourism, and Call Center Industries

Global Value Chains, Economic Upgrading, and Gender : Case Studies of the Horticulture, Tourism, and Call Center Industries

Globalization’s impact on gender equality: What’s happened and what’s needed

Globalization’s impact on gender equality: What’s happened and what’s needed

Guide on gender mainstreaming : trade capacity building projects

Guide on gender mainstreaming : trade capacity building projects

Integrating gender into trade capacity-building programs in the Middle East and Asia : guidance for program design and implementation

Integrating gender into trade capacity-building programs in the Middle East and Asia : guidance for program design and implementation

Regional Strategy for Sweden’s Development Cooperation with the Middle East and North Africa (MENA)

Regional Strategy for Sweden’s Development Cooperation with the Middle East and North Africa (MENA)

Implementation Plan : Program ACCESS INNOVATION (PAI) : Increasing capacities for economic and social growth through innovation [VOLUNTARY COOPERATION PROGRAM (2015-2020)]

Implementation Plan : Program ACCESS INNOVATION (PAI) : Increasing capacities for economic and social growth through innovation [VOLUNTARY COOPERATION PROGRAM (2015-2020)]