
تونس , 29 September 2023

Women and the Right to Health in the Arab Region

Three factors intersect in the Arab region impacting the status of women’s health: 1) The deterioration of the general health landscape,which affects all members of society;2) The accumulation of various aspects of oppression to which women are subjected, and the fact that they are deprived of most of their rights; and 3) Requiring women, directly or implicitly, to provide care and healthcare, both physically and psychologically, to others while neglecting themselves, in line with a recurring normative social and cultural system. “Gender” or the concept of “social construction” of the roles of individuals is a main factor in determining people’s access to protection and gains; thus, impacting women’s access to their right to health within a human rights system. Gender factors also determine and shape access to health services and information, and their effectiveness and ease, and contribute to paving or obstructing the way for women in need to use and resort to this right . On the other hand, health systems in the Arab region, as in all countries around the world, are “gendered” The degree of ease, effectiveness, and availability with which services are provided differs between men and women, as well as between women of different socioeconomic backgrounds, in terms of the way health services are provided or received. This contributes to the emergence of gender disparities in health services, in a context where aspects of health governance and political agendas are manifested in health services and social protection for all individuals.
أضيفت بواسطة
CAWTAR | 2024-05-15 08:29:13
نوع الوثيقة
الورقات العلمية
شبكة المنظمات العربية غير الحكومية للتنمية
كلمات المفاتيح :
The right to health//Health in Covid 19// Health system governance//The right of women// reproductif health// sexual health