The right to health through a social protection lens

This document presents a report on the right to health through a social protection lens. Given the assumptions of universality and adequacy of benefits in the right to health, the report covers the targeting and universal coverage dilemma in the region, including, actual responses during and post-COVID and Arab government philosophies of social protection. It does so by examining how Arab populations access health protection services through the following modalities: government-provided public health systems (which rely on taxation and government revenues); social insurance for formally employed private and public sector workers; social safety nets that include a health component (such as cash transfers); out of pocket expenditure (which is known to be very high in the region); and, finally, private medical health insurance (such as through occupational programs or market-bought services). To this end, the report distinguishes its focus from standard public health analysis by referring to Social Health Protection
أضيفت بواسطة
CAWTAR | 2024-05-23 10:36:37
نوع الوثيقة
شبكة المنظمات العربية غير الحكومية للتنمية
كلمات المفاتيح :
Social protection// health insurance//Right to health// Access to health // Health system // Women and Health//Health policies // Determinant of Access to the Right to Health//Health// Health Awareness//Health Governance//Health Equity//Health Discrimination//COVID-19 Pandemic//Health Research//Health Education//Health Status// healthcare