
تونس , 29 September 2023

The Realities, Needs and Challenges Facing the Feminist and Queer Movements in Lebanon in Light of a Multi-Layered Crisis

This report provides a situation analysis of women in Lebanon. Overall, it examines gender, feminism, sexuality, queer, and human rights conditions and challenges. The reading takes place in the context of Lebanon’s severe economic collapse, especially after the Beirut Port Blast and the lockdowns imposed during the pandemic over the past two years. This report was prepared based on two research phases : the first phase includes a desk review that looks at the situation of Lebanese refugees, displaced women, and queer individuals in the context of economic, political, and social conditions related to this collapse; it aims to understand how gender and social identity impact and determine current conditions. The second phase involves interviewing thirty feminist and queer activists in an attempt to map and read different opinions and evidence on how women, feminist, and queer movements are affected by the intersections of the pandemic, the blast, and the economic deterioration in the country. It also reveals how women in Lebanon are impacted by regional and global events.
أضيفت بواسطة
CAWTAR | 2024-05-09 08:41:06
نوع الوثيقة
هينرش بُل مكتب الشرق الأوسط - لبنان
كلمات المفاتيح :
Women in lebanon//gender feminism//sexuality rights//Queer//human rights//Feminist movements// Queer movements