Right to health in Sudan, Current situation and determinants

This document presents a report on Right to health in Sudan, Current situation and determinants. The report addresses health through its social determinants, including clean water, food, housing, education, and the political and social situation. On the other hand, it analyses the six health system structures through governance and leadership, human resources, health services, government spending on health, information and research systems, and drug supplies. The report also addresses international support for health in the transitional period. Finally, it focuses on health challenges, such as the most common diseases and epidemics, including COVID-19, and their direct and indirect impact on securing the right to health in Sudan.
أضيفت بواسطة
CAWTAR | 2024-05-23 09:16:35
نوع الوثيقة
شبكة المنظمات العربية غير الحكومية للتنمية
كلمات المفاتيح :
Right to health// Access to health //covid 19// Health system //Child and Health//Women and Health//Health policies // Déterminants of health//