Harnessing the power of data for gender equality- introducing the 2019 EM2030 SDG gender index

In the 2019 Global Report “Harnessing the power of data for gender equality: Introducing the 2019 EM2030 SDG Gender Index”, we introduce the 2019 SDG Gender Index. The index is the most comprehensive tool available to explore the state of gender equality across 129 countries (covering 95% of the world’s girls and women), 14 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and 51 targets linked to issues inherent in the SDGs. The 2019 SDG Gender Index finds that, with just 11 years to go until 2030, nearly 40% of the world’s girls and women – 1.4 billion – live in countries failing on gender equality. Another 1.4 billion live in countries that “barely pass”. Even the highest-scoring countries have more to do, particularly on complex issues such as climate change, gender budgeting and public services, equal representation in powerful positions, gender pay gaps, and gender-based violence. No country in the world has reached the “last mile” on gender equality.
أضيفت بواسطة
CAWTAR | 2019-06-10 11:24:38
نوع الوثيقة
Equal mesures 2030
كلمات المفاتيح :
Gender//Protection//Human Rights//Equality// Laws on women’s land rights//Women and Health//Women and education//Women and political participation//Indicator//