
تونس , 29 September 2023

Cultural factors and sexual dysfunction in clinical practice

This document presents un article on " Cultural factors and sexual dysfunction in clinical practice " . Attitudes to sex and the perceived role of sexual activity are very strongly influenced by cultural values. Culturally determined gender roles influence relationships between dif ferent-sex partners, and cultural values af fect at titudes towards sexual variation. Cultures define what is deviant and from where help is sought. Through differ ing patterns of child-rearing, cultures also affect individuals’ cognitive development, world views and explanatory models of emotional distress. It is critical that clinicians are aware of the role of culture in defining sexual dysfunction and how cultural factors can be used in initiating treatment as well as in therapeutic engagement and alliance. Although epidemiological data on prevalence of sexual dysfunction across cultures are scanty, it is likely that prevalences vary, as will pathways into care and pat terns of helpseeking. In this article They discuss the potential impact of culture on sexual dysfunction, and issues that clinicians, whether in specialist or in general services, need to be aware of in assessing and treating patients who present with sexual dysfunction.
أضيفت بواسطة
CAWTAR | 2024-07-08 10:37:56
نوع الوثيقة
الورقات العلمية
Cambridge University Press
كلمات المفاتيح :
Sexual Health, Sexuality And Culture, Psychology, Sexual Medicine, The Psychology of Human Sexuality, cosmetic genital surgery, female genital cutting, Sociocultural; Culture; Ethics; Cultural Sensitivity; Sexual Dysfunction; Religious Beliefs, Clinical Psychology, Sexual Dysfunction, Distress, Psychiatric Treatment, Clinical Sciences, Mental Health and Psychiatry Nursing