Algéria: Comprehensive reforms needed to end sexual and gender-based violence against women and girls

This document presents a report on the need for comprehensive reforms to end sexual and gender-based violence against women and girls. This report includes several themes including Decree 14-26 and the legacy of the internal conflict of the 1990s, concerns about the lack of support for victims of sexual violence perpetrated during the internal conflict, rape and other sexual violence and the Code. criminal law, other forms of sexual violence, marital rape and other forms of violence within the family, sexual harassment, other obstacles faced by victims of sexual violence, criminalization of voluntary sexual relations outside marriage and stereotypes as a barrier to reporting violence, excused rape, lack of data and evidence barriers, lack of appropriate health and support services for victims of sexual violence, restrictive abortion laws, train law enforcement officials and ensure women's access to appropriate services, discrimination under of the Family Code, restrictions on advocacy and freedom of expression and association, and Algeria's obligations under the constitution and international law
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CAWTAR | 2021-11-01 15:04:14
نوع الوثيقة
منظمة العفو الدولية
كلمات المفاتيح :
Gender-based violence // Violence against women // Sexual violence // Forced marriages // Early marriage // Indicator // Rape // Penal code // Marital rape // Sexual harassment // restrictive laws on abortion // discrimination against women // Physical violence // Psychological violence // Women's rights // Human rights // Women and girls // Domestic violence // Domestic violence // Censorship and freedom of expression // Right to health // Reproductive rights // Maternal mortality // Fight against poverty // Homicide and disappearance // Discrimination // Access to justice