Gender equality, work and health : a review of the evidence

This publication documents the relationship between gender inequality and health and safety problems. It reviews gender issues in research, policies and programmes on work and health, and highlights some specific issues for women, including the types of jobs they do, as well as their need to reconcile the demands of work and family. Biological differences between women and men also are considered in relation to hazards they face in the workplace. Implications of the findings and recommendations for legislation and policy are discussed. Women will be more and more involved in the global workforce, in both formal and informal work. In ensuring economic survival for themselves and their families they employ a variety of strategies, some of which entail great danger for their health. This review highlights the necessity to strengthen and put in place more and better programmes and practices so as to ensure women’s health and safety at work, while facilitating their access to economic and social equality.
أضيفت بواسطة
CAWTAR | 2006-01-01 11:17:10
نوع الوثيقة
منظمة الصحة العالمية (OMS)
كلمات المفاتيح :
Genderequality//Gender and Health//Women and work//Women’s Health//Economic equality//Social equality//