Country Gender Profile (Arab Republic of Egypt), Survey Report

This document presents a survey report on Country Gender Profile (Arab Republic of Egypt). The basic indicators used in this survey are: Socioeconomic Indicators, Health Indicators, Education indicators and other Relevant Indicators. The the main parts of this survey are women’s Situation and the Government’s Interventions in Gender Mainstreaming in Egypt, Women’s Situation in the Selected Sectors and Interventions for Assisting Women by Other International Organizations, NGOs, and Others.
أضيفت بواسطة
CAWTAR | 2018-03-01 17:18:50
نوع الوثيقة
Japan International Cooperation Agency - JICA
كلمات المفاتيح :
Gender profile//Egypt//Women and health//Women and Education// Gender mainstreaming// Women and civil socity//Political participation of women//Economic participation of women//Gender based violence//Sexual harassment// Violence in public spaces//Violence at the work place//Sexual violence//Physical violence//Female genital mutilation// Violence against children//Domestic violence//Verbal violence// Early Marriage // Forced Marriage// Temporary Marriage //Gender equality//