
تونس , 29 September 2023

العنف المبني على النوع الاجتماعي
نتائج البحث (2023)

Epidermal clitoral inclusion cyst after type I female genital mutilation

Epidermal clitoral inclusion cyst after type I female genital mutilation

Eradicating Female Genital Mutilation; a viable reality. Raising awareness in the men involved

Eradicating Female Genital Mutilation; a viable reality. Raising awareness in the men involved

Gender-Based Sexual Violence Against Teenage Girls in the Middle East

Gender-Based Sexual Violence Against Teenage Girls in the Middle East

Geography and correlates of attitude toward Female genital mutilation (FGM) in Soudan: what can we learn from successive Soudan opinion Pol data?

Geography and correlates of attitude toward Female genital mutilation (FGM) in Soudan: what can we learn from successive Soudan opinion Pol data?

Banishment of violence against women in the Noble Quran and the immaculate Sunnah

Banishment of violence against women in the Noble Quran and the immaculate Sunnah

How Violence Shapes Religion, Belief and Conflict in the Middle East and Africa

How Violence Shapes Religion, Belief and Conflict in the Middle East and Africa

Handbook for Coordinating Gender-based Violence Interventions in Emergencies

Handbook for Coordinating Gender-based Violence Interventions in Emergencies

The gender of reparations Unsettling Sexual Hierarchies While Redressing Human Rights Violations

The gender of reparations Unsettling Sexual Hierarchies While Redressing Human Rights Violations

Gender Studies Institute, Kabul University With Cooperation of UNDP and UNESCO

Gender Studies Institute, Kabul University With Cooperation of UNDP and UNESCO

A Survey of Unwanted Sexual Experience Among University of Alberta Students

A Survey of Unwanted Sexual Experience Among University of Alberta Students

Preventing Gender Based Violence in university_Executive summary_MORROCO

Preventing Gender Based Violence in university_Executive summary_MORROCO