
تونس , 29 September 2023

المرأة العربية وصنع القرار
نتائج البحث (891)

UNSCR 1325 in the Middle East and North Africa-Women and Security

UNSCR 1325 in the Middle East and North Africa-Women and Security

Women as Transformational Leaders : Learning to Lead in the Community College

Women as Transformational Leaders : Learning to Lead in the Community College

Feminist Transformative Leadership, A learning experience with peasant and gatherer women in Brazil

Feminist Transformative Leadership, A learning experience with peasant and gatherer women in Brazil

La participation des femmes dans les processus de paix et la prise de décision politique en République Démocratique du Congo

La participation des femmes dans les processus de paix et la prise de décision politique en République Démocratique du Congo

Leadership styles : gender similarities, differences and perceptions

Leadership styles : gender similarities, differences and perceptions

Making Feminist Leadership Transformative and Sustainable, a life-long journey

Making Feminist Leadership Transformative and Sustainable, a life-long journey

RISE UP: Guide for Young Women’s Transformative Leadership

RISE UP: Guide for Young Women’s Transformative Leadership

Impact of Gender and Transformational Leadership on Organizational Culture

Impact of Gender and Transformational Leadership on Organizational Culture

Integrating principles of Human Rights and Gender Equality into political parties ‘programs and policies

Integrating principles of Human Rights and Gender Equality into political parties ‘programs and policies

A Most Masculine State Gender, Politics, and Religion in Saudi Arabia

A Most Masculine State Gender, Politics, and Religion in Saudi Arabia

Country Gender Profile (Arab Republic of Egypt), Survey Report

Country Gender Profile (Arab Republic of Egypt), Survey Report

Gender Inclusive Framework and Theory- A Guide for Turning Theory into Practice

Gender Inclusive Framework and Theory- A Guide for Turning Theory into Practice