Gender analysis report, Sahrawi Refugees, Tindouf Algeria

This document presents a gender analysis report of operations in Tindouf, Algeria which was undertaken in the first quarter of 2019 commissioned by WFP country office in Algeria. The analysis was designed to identify strategic and systematic measurable gender responsive actions across all operations and to contribute to the implementation of the Interim Country Strategic Plan (ICSP) 2019-2022 over the next three years, with gender as a core element of assessment, implementation and monitoring of all programmes. The analysis had three main objectives: i) Gender analysis of the food security and nutritional context in which WFP Algeria’s operations are carried out. ii) If WFP staff and partners in Algeria are to be in a position to provide gender-responsive assistance they need knowledge on how to apply gender in the following main areas of operations: a. Nutrition and food security, b. Education and school feeding,c. Resilience and livelihoods. Iii) Provide recommendations that can be used to develop a Gender Action Plan to translate the ICSP commitments into concrete actions.
أضيفت بواسطة
CAWTAR | 2019-09-05 07:46:38
نوع الوثيقة
كلمات المفاتيح :
​Gender //Refugees//Women and food security//Women and Education //Gender action plan//Algeria// Gender-based violence// Sexual Exploitation /Sexual Abuse //​​​​