A Conceptual Study on Women Empowerment-Facts and Realities

This document shows that India has enacted many constitutional and legislative provisions for empowerment of women. Many development schemes especially for women have also been launched for improving their fortune. Such measures have started giving positive outcomes relating to women's problems. But the position of women in this country still leaves much to be desired. Top priority should be given in developmental plans for improving female literacy and creating skills and capability among women for enabling them to stand on their own feet. Unless the process of development is properly engendered, it shall remain endangered. No doubt women have the potential to achieve an equal footing with men. But, it is the social practices and male attitudes that are making an effective and invisible barrier preventing women from rising above a certain point. Empowerment of women could only be achieved if their economic and social status is improved. This could be possible only by adopting definite social and economic policies with a view of total development of women and to make them realize that they have the potential to be strong human beings. The first and foremost priority should be given to the education of women, which is the grass root problem.
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CAWTAR | 2019-02-10 15:09:38
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كلمات المفاتيح :
​/Women rights //Women and economic participation//Gender equality//Women Empowerment//Economic development//Social development// Sustainable development//Education/ /Literacy//India/​