Sahwa Policy report: Gendering Youth Empowerment in Arab-Mediterranean Countries

The objective of this report, “Gendering Youth (girls and boys) Empowerment in Arab Mediterranean Countries (AMCs)” is first to identify the inequalities of empowerment among young people of different genders; secondly, the efforts already made by governments and civil society in the AMCs to empower young people; thirdly, it describes positive experiences that may be generalized and reproduced in other countries. Finally, the report points out the disparities and inequalities present in programmes for capacity building addressed to young women and men. Recommendations for fixing such unequal treatment will be made to stakeholders in order to encourage them to better mainstream a gender perspective in the implementation of their programmes and action plans in favour of youth empowerment. Accordingly, the report is based on the qualitative and quantitative data and information provided by the SAHWA project in the Arab Mediterranean Countries (AMCs) of Algeria, Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco and Tunisia: The National Case Studies, the policy papers, and the Ethnographic Fieldwork dataset 2015 based on narrative interviews, focus groups and life stories collected. Thus, and in line with the SAHWA gender equity approach, the report attempts to tackle the socioeconomic factors leading to the exclusion of women, exploring a number of pathways that could foster equality between men and women.
أضيفت بواسطة
CAWTAR | 2019-02-06 14:59:00
نوع الوثيقة
(مركز المرأة العربية للتدريب و البحوث (كوثر
كلمات المفاتيح :
​/Gender equality//Youth empowerment//Women's empowerment//Education//Youth Employment// Youth Political Participation/ /Migration// Social inclusion//Arab Mediterranean Countries //Algeria// Egypt//Lebanon //Morocco //Tunisia/​