Arab Development challenges report 2011

This document presents the second Development Challenges Report, coming at a time when the region is passing through a critical historical juncture, attempts to go beyond the numbers to uncover processes that have underpinned mutually reinforcing drivers of social, economic and political exclusion. This report argues that the development model followed in the Arab region can be placed on a more socially just foundation
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CAWTAR | 2019-02-05 13:14:58
نوع الوثيقة
تقارير تنمية المرأة العربية
برنامج الأمم المتحدة الإنمائي
كلمات المفاتيح :
​Gender equality//Human Development// Human Poverty//Indicator//Arab Countries//Civil Society// organisations//NGO//Inequality// Employment// Social Protection// Water security// Food security// Industrial policy// Agricultural development policies// Economic policy// Social policy//Governance reform//Women’s labour// Arab women’s unemployment//Women and education// women employed​