Consideration of reports submitted by States parties under article 18 of the Convention : Fourth and fifth periodic reports of States parties due in 2014 : Lebanon

The report reviews the articles of the Convention one by one, up to article 16. It should be noted that the Committee is keen for the report to deal with the particular situation of certain groups of women, such as handicapped women, migrant workers etc., and has called for the report to devote a special heading to these groups. Accordingly, the situation of seven groups of women are reviewed immediately after article 16: the elderly, the handicapped, mine victims, prisoners, migrant workers in domestic service, refugees and displaced persons. Furthermore, given that the efforts of recent years have not been confined to those of official bodies, however important these are, but extend to the work of non-governmental organizations in a variety of areas, this report is anxious to affirm the important role played by NGOs in pushing for the removal of obstacles to equality by shedding light on their most significant activities and achievements, as these relate to the Convention. However, as the period covered by the report is fairly lengthy and the size of periodic reports has to be kept within limits, the committee supervising preparation of the report liaised with 22 NGOs concerned with women’s affairs to provide it with an account of their activities during the period of the report. The not inconsiderable amount of material for which there was insufficient space in the report has been placed in an annex.
أضيفت بواسطة
CAWTAR | 2019-02-04 10:22:35
نوع الوثيقة
منظمة الأمم المتحدة
كلمات المفاتيح :
​/CEDAW//Discrimination against women//Public policy// Stereotype roles and violence against women//Gender equality/ /Women in employment//Combating the exploitation of women//Legislations/ /Women and political participation/ /Nationality //Equality in education //Equality at work //Equality in health care //Rural women //Economic rights//Social rights//Elderly women //Handicapped women//Female migrant workers in domestic service// Refugee women// Women prisoners//Displaced women//Women victims of landmines//Lebonon/​