List of issues and questions in relation to the initial report of Qatar

This document presents a list of issues an questions in relation to the initial report of Qatar. The initial report (CEDAW/C/QAT/1) indicates that organized civil society activity in the State party is a new phenomenon and that to date no women’s association has been formed in the State party (para. 45).1 According to the information before the Committee, there is no environment conducive to the establishment of non-governmental organizations in the State party, and national legislation imposes restrictions and heavy costs and therefore makes registration difficult for women’s-rights organizations. Please indicate whether the State party has plans to amend its national legislation to create an enabling environment conducive to the establishment of women’s-rights non-governmental organizations, which is important for the promotion of gender equality. Please indicate whether the report was adopted by the Government and presented to the Parliament
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CAWTAR | 2017-12-22 08:10:37
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منظمة الأمم المتحدة
كلمات المفاتيح :
Elimination of Discrimination against Women //CEDAW//Gender Equality//Gender based violence//Domestic violence// Stereotypes and discriminatory practices// Violence against women //Physic violence//Sexual violence//Victims of violence// Laws in marriage // Family Laws// Early marriage// Polygamous marriage//Rape//Incest// Discriminatory laws// Access to justice// Advancing women//National Strategy for women// Trafficking //Exploitation of prostitution// Participation in political life//Participation in public life//Education//Health//Rural Women//Migrant women// Women with disabilities// Refugees and stateless women//Human Rights//Women Rights